
Obvestilo o štipendijah Nemške službe za akademsko izmenjavo ( DAAD) za študijsko leto 2023/2024

Vas zanima študij v Nemčiji? Nemška služba za akademsko izmenjavo (DAAD) tudi v letošnjem študijskem letu ponuja različne štipendije za študentke in študente, raziskovalne štipendije za doktorske študentke in študente, postdoktorande in mlade znanstvenice in znanstvenike in štipendije za izmenjavo visokošolskih učiteljev v Nemčiji. Podrobne informacije o posameznih štipendijah DAAD so na voljo na spletni strani www.funding-guide.de . Vprašanja v zvezi s štipendijami lahko naslovite tudi na Nemško veleposlaništvo v Ljubljani, kulturni oddelek (E-naslov: info@laibach.diplo.de , T: 01 479 03 00).

VN DAAD 2023-2024 SVN.pdf


IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme - New Application Period Opens!

We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd IAEA Maria Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) application period is now open and will close on September 30, 2022.  To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements please visit the link:  IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. This year IAEA aims to select 150 students. 

The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General in an effort to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation. The Programme aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in nuclear related fields, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA.  Scholarships are awarded annually, to 100+ female students, subject to availability of funds. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their Master’s programme. Upon completion of their studies, students are also given an opportunity to pursue an internship for up to 12 months at the IAEA, its partner organizations as well as industry.  Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional and networking  events.  Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 1042 applications, selecting 210 students from 93 Member States studying in 53 countries worldwide.  The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in nuclear related fields.

Meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme students | IAEA

Watch Marie Curie Fellowship Programme





IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme 

We are pleased to inform you about the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP), which was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General in an effort to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation. The Programme aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in nuclear related fields, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA.

Scholarships are awarded annually, to 100+ female students, subject to availability of funds. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their Master’s programme. Upon completion of their studies, students are also given an opportunity to pursue an internship for up to 12 months at the IAEA, its partner organizations as well as industry.  Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional and networking  events.  Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 1042 applications, selecting 210 students from 93 nationalities studying in 53 countries worldwide.

The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in nuclear related fields. The next application call is scheduled to open in mid-July 2022 and will close by beginning of October 2022. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements please visit the link:  IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA.

To encourage broad dissemination of the information, we would greatly appreciate if this communication can be shared within your university for further distribution among relevant academic faculties, career and financial support services and female students, pursuing Master’s degree education in nuclear related fields. We would be grateful if you can kindly disseminate this information on your website and via your social media as well as display our promotional material at the university premises and relevant platforms. 

Please note that the IAEA will hold a webinar over the next months to provide in-depth information about the MSCFP and address any potential questions from various stakeholders.  Invitation to a webinar will be sent at a later date.

Meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme students | IAEA

Watch Marie Curie Fellowship Programme





Dankook University - Fall 2022 Nominations Now Open


Warm greetings from Dankook University! We hope this email finds you well and healthy.

I’m pleased to let you know that we are now ready to receive your exchange student nominations for the Fall 2022 Semester. Please see below:

General Information

Online Nomination form for Partners: https://forms.gle/i8pu8mnPWKoBsdiFA

  • Our nomination period is open until April 30.
  • Nominations must be sent only through the link above. (please let us know if you can’t access the link)
  • Students deferred from Spring 2022 due to COVID-19 also must be re-nominated and go through the application process again. (if any)
  • Students are not allowed to take only online courses in their home country without coming to Korea.

Online Application

  • Once being nominated, students will receive an email directly from us for completing online application at our DKU application portal. Coordinators will be cc’ed in the email as well.
  • The application deadline for students is May 15.

COVID-19 Uncertainty

  • There is a mandatory 7-day quarantine for all travelers entering Korea now. Judging by the current trend worldwide, we anticipate that this mandatory quarantine will be eased in the near future, but can’t guarantee it now. If this remains in place, students will need to bear some extra costs for quarantine.
  • The course delivery methods for Fall 2022 will be decided later in August depending on circumstances at that time. Just for your information, in this Spring 2022 Semester, courses with more than 40 students enrolled are conducted online and less than 40 students face-to-face. This can be changed.


  1. Before being nominated, students are strongly advised to take a look at our course list and make sure that they find enough courses to take in English. Also, since course registration is not guaranteed for all students, students should have at least a few more alternatives that they wish to take.
  2. All exchange students are required to live on campus during their stay at Dankook with no exceptions.
  3. If you are nominating more than 5 students, please contact us in advance before nominating them.
  4. If you or your students need a bit more time for nomination or application, please contact us before the deadlines.

Exchange Fact Sheet 2022.pdf


CfA: Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2022


I am pleased to inform you about our new scholarship offers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses in 2022. The scholarships for courses in Bavaria include tuition fees, accommodation and meals; in case of online course the course fee will be covered.

Students and young academics of all disciplines with intermediate German proficiency (at least B1-level) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine can apply for BAYHOST summer course scholarships. At the time of application students need to have completed at least two entire semesters at an institute of higher education and provide corresponding grades. Applicants must have the citizenship of one of the eligible countries.

Applicants should send all documents via mail to BAYHOST by March 23rd, 2022 at the latest (date of receipt).

Further information regarding the summer courses and the application process are available on our website and on our BAYHOST facebook profile.

Please note: Due to the ongoing pandemic it is still unclear which summer courses can take place at the Bavarian universities in 2022. Please apply anyway for a scholarship at BAYHOST in time; the scholarship allocation takes place from April to June according to the available summer courses (online / on-site in Bavaria). If there are any difficulties in collecting / sending the scholarship application to BAYHOST (caused by the pandemic), please contact us via doeppe{at}bayhost.de as soon as possible and we will try to find a suitable solution.

I kindly ask you to pass this information to students / other parties interested and / or announce the call for application at your website or share the information via facebook. Should you have further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Katrin Döppe


Katrin Döppe

Scholarship programs | Stipendienprogramme


Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa

Universitätsstraße 31 | D-93053 Regensburg

T ++49 (0)941-943-5049 | F ++49 (0)941-943-5051

doeppe@bayhost.de | www.bayhost.de | facebook





Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport Slovaške Republike ponuja v študijskem letu 2022/2023 za slovenske študente 1., 2. in 3. stopnje bilateralne štipendije.

Možnost prijav je do 31. 3. 2022.

Info o štipendijah.docx

Vse nadaljnje informacije najdete v angleškem jeziku na povezavi: https://www.minedu.sk/scholarships-offered-within-the.../
Podrobnejše informacije o univerzah in študijskih programih na Slovaškem dobite tukaj: https://www.studyinslovakia.sk/
Kontaktna oseba: hana.lacova@ff.uni-lj.si 



Razpis štipendij EUTOPIA EURSS

Zveza Eutopia razpisuje štipendije (do 1500€)  za študente 1.stopnje, ki imajo idejo za interdisciplinarni raziskovalni projekt. Raziskovanje bo potekalo v poletnem času na eni od članic zveze Eutopia (Univerza v Warwicku, Univerza Vrije v Bruslju, Univerza v Göteborgu, Univerza Cergy Pariz in Univerza Pompeu Fabra Barcelona). Glede na trenutne Covid-19 razmere, bo omogočeno tudi delno virtualno delo. Rok za prijavo je 28. februar 2022.

Več informacij in prijavni obrazec najdete tukaj.



LIKARJEV SKLAD RAZPISUJE ŠTIPENDIJE za študij na Tehniški Univerzi München (TUM) za šolsko leto 2022/2023.

Podrobnosti o štipendiranju in pogojih za prijavo si preberite v priponki, kjer tudi najdete povezavo na prijavni obrazec. Rok prijave je 10. marec 2022.

RAZPIS 2022 Likarjev sklad.pdf



Podrobnosti o štipendiranju si preberite na spodnji povezavi. Rok za prijavo je 01. 12. 2021.

VN DAAD Stipendien 2022_2023.pdf


LIKARJEV SKLAD RAZPISUJE ŠTIPENDIJE za študij na Tehniški Univerzi München (TUM) za šolsko leto 2021/2022.

Podrobnosti o štipendiranju in pogojih za prijavo si preberite v priponki, kjer tudi najdete povezavo na prijavni obrazec. Rok prijave je 10. marec 2021.
RAZPIS 2021 Likarjev sklad.pdf



Utrechtska mreža bo podelila do 20 štipendij v višini 1000€ študentom ali mladim raziskovalcem, ki niso upravičeni do financiranja iz ostalih programov (kot je Erasmus+/ npr. zaradi krajšega termina mobilnosti). Štipendija je namenjena za raziskovalne dejavnosti pri pripravi zaključnega dela ( ki lahko vključujejo tudi redna predavanja) na II ali III stopnji študija. Prednost imajo študentje III stopnje. Mobilnost si študentje organizirajo sami, na eni izmed univerz, članic Utrechtske mreže. Mobilnost lahko traja od 1. do 6. mesecev. Rok upravičenosti za izvedbo mobilnosti je od 1.4.2021 do 31.3.2022.

Prijave, ki naj vsebujejo:

naj študentje oz.mladi raziskovalci posredujejo na elektronski naslov urska.ravnik@uni-lj.si  in po pošti na  Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje UL, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana do 1.februarja 2021.

Univerza v Ljubljani lahko nominira do tri študente, končni izbor pa bo opravila Utrechtska mreža.

Več informacij in prijavna dokumentacija na http://www.utrecht-network.org/activities/young-researchers-grant/



Best of South East (BoSE) is a scholarship-program initiated by the Steiermärkische Sparkasse, and is a training and education program for talented and dedicated students from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia.

The scholarship program lasts 12 months and includes at Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL):

  • A scholarship of 750 € monthly for an entire year (sponsored by Steiermärkische Sparkasse)
  • A scholarship for a 2-semester mobility program at Montanuniveristät Leoben (winter and summer semesters)
  • A self-organized 2-month trainee program or internship (in July and August)

Application Requirements_Process - BOSE 21-22.pdf



Izzizvi v tujini_OKTOBER-informacija.pdf



The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), based in Osnabrück, maintains a scholarship programme with 19 countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Kaliningrad oblast, Romania, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro) in Central and Eastern Europe. Young university graduates and graduates from Slovenia are supported since the year 2009.

The aim of the programme is to enable university graduates to obtain further professional qualifications to solve tasks in environmental protection and nature conservation in their home countries.

The scholarship lasts six to twelve months and includes a German intensive course lasting several weeks. Host institutions in Germany can be universities, research institutes, universities of applied sciences, universities, companies or associations. The application requirements and scholarship conditions can be found on our homepage https://www.dbu.de/stipendien_international

 The application deadline is annually always on 5th March and 5th September.

Guidlines CEE Scholarship 2020.pdf
Förderleitlinien MOE Stipendienprogramm_2020.pdf



Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in štipendije izvaja različne programe štipendiranja. Tako podeljuje Zoisove štipendije, zbira in objavlja seznam kadrovskih štipendij, ki jih prejme s strani delodajalcev, razpisuje različne štipedije za izobraževanje v tujini.

Več si lahko preberete na Javni sklad RS



Razpis za štipendije Likarjevega sklada
Razpis in prijava objavljena na: http://www.likarjev-sklad.si/

Razpis je podaljšan do 10. marca 2020!!! Več v prilogi:  RAZPIS 2020 Likarjev sklad.pdf