Vabilo na predavanje: Wire based additive manufacturing using electric arc or electron beam as a heat source

dne 19.05.2021

lokacija: ON-LINE

Vabilo na predavanje: Wire based additive manufacturing using electric arc or electron beam as a heat source, ki ga bo izvedel izr. prof. dr. Norbert Enzinger (TU Graz, Avstrija). Spletno predavanje bo v sredo, 19.5.2021, ob 10:00 uri preko zoom-a na povezavi:


In this lecture examples of wire based additive manufacturing are given. It is divided into three parts. First an example deals with the general approach of process development for building WAAM structures, which is based on simple track, layer and blocks for basic characterization which then is transferred to the real structure. The second example deals with material development in the field of WAAM based on the application of flux cored arc welding, which is a very effective approach for alloy development. It is demonstrated for a tool steel. The third example deals with wire based additive manufacturing using electron beam as a heat source (EBAM). Since this process is applied in vacuum it is very beneficial for reactive materials like Ti-based alloys.

Assoc. Prof. Norbert Enzinger is head of the joining group at the Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming at Graz University of Technology. He is dealing with application related research in the field of arc, friction and electron beam welding as well as wire based additive manufacturing. Beside experimental approaches including metallography, mechanical and technological testing, residual stresses also numerical analysis of weldability plays an important role. Beside his activities in Graz he is guest professor for welding technology at University West in Sweden.

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S spoštovanjem


izr. prof. dr. Damjan Klobčar                                                  prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, dekan


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