Vabilo na predavanje - prof. dr. Dominique Gobin
dne 24.05.2019
Fakulteta za strojništvo - Leskovarjeva soba
Vabimo vas na predavanje prof. dr. Dominique Gobina (Senior scientist CNRS; Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Thermal Sciences; EM2C - Centrale Supélec - Université Paris-Saclay)
z naslovom “Modelling Issues in Thermal Projection”,
ki bo v petek, 24. 5. 2019, ob 9:00 uri v Leskovarjevi sobi.
The microstructure of a plasma sprayed coating - and hence its physical properties - is determined by the dynamics of deformation of the particles impinging on the substrate, the cooling rate of the resulting splats and the effective contact of these splats with the underlying surface. The large number of parameters involved in the coupled mechanisms makes it difficult to fully understand the process.
Calculation of splat freezing and cooling, coupling heat transfer, phase change and fluid mechanics is performed, and the limitations of the model are emphasized. However, complete models, which impose to account for the intricate interactions present on different time and space scales, are not available so far. We identify some of the new scientific challenges and current important research issues in the field of plasma spray technology.
Vljudno vabljeni!
Prof. dr. Božidar Šarler Prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin
Vodja Katedre za dinamiko Dekan
fluidov in termodinamiko