Vabilo na predavanje - prof. dr. Henning Zeidler

dne 17.04.2019

Fakulteta za strojništvo - predavalnica III/4


Vabimo vas na predavanje prof. dr. Henninga Zeidlerja (Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)

z naslovom “State of play and chances in Additive Manufacturing – hype vs. reality”,

ki bo v sredo, 17. 4. 2019, ob 10. uri v predavalnici III/4. 


Title: “State of play and chances in Additive Manufacturing – hype vs. reality”

Additive Manufacturing (AM) or, as it is colloquially named, “3D Printing” as a disruptive, key enabling technology has already changed the way we produce. Within a short period in time, several AM technologies have been developed, spanning a wide range of materials and possible applications. Some (SLM, SLS, DLP, SLA, EBM etc.) have already successfully found their way to the industry shop floor, others are just moving from lab to factory. The economic relevance of Additive Manufacturing is confirmed by the latest market reports, such as the ones from Wohlers  or CECIMO , which forecast a continuously growing market share for many areas that directly depend on Additive Manufacturing Technologies. AM enabled components, i.e. function-integrated complex structures have recently enabled new and more advanced products. Future AM-based technologies, products for medical health & safety, lightweight design and mobility will increase living standards and quality of life. The continuous trend towards customization and multi-functionality embedded in products and processes calls for an ever-increasing innovation, research and development within the European manufacturing sector. Additive manufactured products are becoming in most cases an economic and technological key factor for the majority of industrial applications. Highly integrated systems (in health care, mobility, automation, etc.) manufactured by a wide variety of materials and technologies represent a global market of several Billions of Euro with a significant annual growth.

Without a doubt, AM has created a hype. But how far are we from shifting to real life scenarios? What can AM, what can’t it do? The talk will give an overview on AM and related concepts, show examples of application and bring up also new topics such as biobased, renewable and biodegradable materials and their applications for AM.


About the lecturer:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Zeidler, holding the chair for Additive Manufacturing at the institute for machine elements, engineering design and manufacturing (IMKF) at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, is a senior expert in Additive Manufacturing and has been exposed to the technology since 1996. Having strong international ties to all continents he has also been actively participating in and managing several EU-projects, among them a H2020-ETN, where he led a central work package. Besides his appointment at TU Bergakademie Freiberg he is chairman of the board of Beckmann-Institute for Technology Development in Chemnitz, Germany.


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