Arhiv obvestil za študente III. stopnje

Extension of the Regulation on the Temporary Prohibition of Public Gathering in Educational Institutions and Universities


Dear students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering!


We would like to inform you that the Regulation on Temporary Prohibition of Public Gathering in educational institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 152/20), valid until 25 December 2020, is extended for the next seven days, until 1 January 2021. The instructions for work in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL are valid at least until this date or until the cancellation.


We would like to point out that according to the above-mentioned regulation, taking examinations on the premises of the universities is not permitted, so that we expressly ask you to strictly observe the applicable regulations in this area as well.


Best regards and stay healthy.


Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean

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