Arhiv obvestil za študente III. stopnje
Odlok o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi / Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People
Odlok o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi v zavodih s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter univerzah
V skladu z odlokom vlade RS o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi v zavodih s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter univerzah (Ur. l. 152/20) v nadaljevanju izdajam naslednje navodilo za delo na Fakulteti za strojništvo UL, s pričetkom veljavnosti v ponedeljek, 26. 10. 2020. Ukrepi veljajo najmanj do 2. 11. 2020 oz. do preklica:
- Pedagoški proces se v celoti (P, S, V, preverjanje znanja, izdelava diplom, zagovori …) izvaja na daljavo brez fizične prisotnosti študentov na FS.
- Fakulteta bo zaprta za zunanje deležnike.
- od ponedeljka, 26. 10. 2020, dalje do preklica odpovedane osebne uradne ure študentskega referata
- vso dokumentacijo, ki jo morate oddati v študentski referat pošljete po pošti ali e-pošti
- vsi zagovori bodo potekali on-line po predvidenem planu
- študentski referat kontaktirajte preko telefona ali e-pošte na spodaj naveden kontakt:
telefon: (01) 4771 169
Priloga: Zapiranje dijaških in študentskih domov
Lep pozdrav in ostanite zdravi,
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, dekan
Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities
Dear all!
In accordance with the Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 152/20) I hereby issue the following instructions for work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, with effect from Monday, 26 October 2020. The measure is valid until 2 November 2020 or until its cancellation.
- The pedagogical process is completely (L, S, T, knowledge assessment, diploma writing, defense...) carried out remotely without physical presence of the students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
- The faculty is closed to external individuals.
- Face-to-face office hours of the Student Affairs Office will be suspended from Monday, 26 October 2020 until cancelation.
- Please send all documentation you need to submit to the Student Affairs Office by post or e-mail.
- All defences will take place online as planned.
- Students are kindly requested to contact the Student Affairs Office by phone or e-mail at the following contacts:
T: (01) 4771 169
Attached document: Information to foreign students and visiting lecturers in the Republic of Slovenia concerning the closure of higher education institutions and student dormitories
Best regards and stay healthy.
Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean
Zapiranje dijaških in študentskih domov
Information to foreign students and visiting lecturers in the Republic of Slovenia concerning the closure of higher education institutions and student dormitories