International research projects

Project leaderAcronymProject titlePeriod
izr. prof. dr. Joško Valentinčič
prof. dr. Edvard Govekar
Strengthening the Excellence of Additive Manufacturing Capabilities
Programme: Obzorje Evropa
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
prof. dr. Marko HočevarH-HOPE
Hidden Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe
Programme: Horizon Europe
01.11.2022 - 31.10.2026
izr. prof. dr. Jože Kutin21GRD05 Met4H2
Metrology for the hydrogen supply chain
Programme: The European Partnership on Metrology
01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
prof. dr. Andrej Kitanovski
doc. dr. Tine Seljak
Decentralization, Diversity and Dynamic load regulation – novel approaches to tangible energy transition with diversification of production sources
Programme: LIFE
01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
prof. dr. Marko HočevarPEN@Hydropower CA21104
Pan- European Network for Sustainable Hydropower
Programme: COST
14.09.2022 - 13.09.2026
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikPULSELiON
PUlsed Laser depoSition tEchnology for soLid State battery manufacturIng supported by digitalizatiON
Programme: Horizon Europe
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
prof. dr. Andrej Kitanovski
doc. dr. Mitja Mori
doc. dr. Tine Seljak
Increase the Synergy among different ENERGY NETworkS
Programme: Horizon Europe
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikADVAGEN
Development of ADVAnced next GENeration Solid-State batteries for Electromobility Applications
Programme: Horizon Europe
01.08.2022 - 31.07.2026
doc. dr. Marko ŠimicSTAGE
Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise
Programme: Horizon Europe
01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025
dr. Urban TomcCool BatMan
Battery Thermal Management System Based on High Power Density Digital Microfluidic Magnetocaloric Cooling
Programme: M-ERA.NET
01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikMoSiLIB
Modeling and development of silicon-tin sulfide composite anodes for generation 3b lithium-ion batteries
Programme: FFG (Austria)
01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025
prof. dr. Marko Hočevar
doc. dr. Franc Majdič
Pospešeno okopavanje zelenjave
Programme: MKGP; 16.5 Podpora za skupno ukrepanje za blažitev podnebnih sprememb ali prilagajanje nanje ter za skupne pristope k okoljskim projektom in stalnim okoljskim praksam za projekte EIP
19.05.2022 - 18.05.2025
izr. prof. dr. Janez PovhEUMaster4HPC
European Master for High Performance Computing
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
doc. dr. Uroš TrdanCA20130
European MIC Network – New paths for science, sustainability and standards
Programme: COST
26.10.2021 - 25.10.2025
prof. dr. Marko HočevarCA20138
Network On Water-Energy-Food Nexus For A Low-Carbon Economy In Europe And Beyond
Programme: COST
22.09.2021 - 21.09.2025
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovićEUROfusion
Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium
Programme: Obzorje Evropa
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025

International research projects - archive

Project leaderAcronymProject titlePeriod
izr. prof. dr. Gregor ČeponLEAP
Learning and demonstration alliance for designing and manufacturing sustainable industrial packaging from alternative lignocellulosic biomass
Programme: Norway Grant
01.10.2022 - 30.04.2024
izr. prof. dr. Domen Šeruga
prof. dr. Marko Nagode
izr. prof. dr. Miha Brojan
Lightweight Design for Sustainable Mobility
Programme: Erasmus+ (EMJM)
01.10.2022 - 31.12.2023
prof. dr. Matevž DularCAVIPHY
Exploitation of extreme cavitation conditions for wastewater treatment
Programme: Horizon Europe - ERC (Proof of Concept)
01.08.2022 - 31.01.2024
prof. dr. Matevž DularNASCAP
Nanobubbles Stabilization for Cleaning Applications
Programme: Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
20.06.2022 - 19.06.2024
doc. dr. Tine SeljakPHOSTER
Phosphorus and magnesium recovery from waste streams for production of high-value renewable fertilizers
Programme: ERA-NET ERA-MIN
01.05.2022 - 31.10.2024
dr. Janez Urevc/
Prediction model of countermeasures efficiency on cardiovascular system and fluid shifting in simulated microgravity conditions
Programme: European Space Agency ESA
01.04.2022 - 30.06.2023
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikELUVAT I
Innovative electric light utility all-terrain vehicle for defence purposes based on in-wheel electro motors
Programme: European Defence Agency EDA
03.02.2022 - 02.02.2023
prof. dr. Primož PodržajBLISS
Blended Learning Implementation for reSilient, acceSsible and efficient higher education
Programme: Erasmus+ (KA220 - Cooperation Partnerships)
01.02.2022 - 31.01.2025
doc. dr. Leon Kos/
ITER Pulse Design Simulator Workflow
Programme: ITER – International Fusion Energy Organization
24.01.2022 - 23.01.2023
izr. prof. dr. Damjan KlobčarDIGIGREEN
Improved workforce to set transition from manufacturing to digital green fabrication
Programme: Erasmus+ (KA220 - Cooperation Partnerships)
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023
prof. dr. Franci PušavecPATHFINDER
Hybrid learning paths for professional education in manufacturing
Programme: EIT KIC Manufacturing
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovićPRO HACKIN'
Product Hackathons for Innovative Development
Programme: Erasmus+ (KA2 - Cooperation partnerships in higher education))
01.11.2021 - 01.11.2024
prof. dr. Janko SlavičNOSTRADAMUS
NOn-contact STRucturAl DAMage for fUture Safety and lightweight
Programme: Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Individual Fellowship
01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikMORElife
Material, Operating strategy and REliability optimisation for LIFEtime improvements in heavy duty trucks
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024
izr. prof. dr. Jože Kutin20IND11 MetHyInfra
Metrology infrastructure for high-pressure gas and liquified hydrogen flows
Programme: EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research)
01.06.2021 - 31.05.2024
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovičCResDET
Crisis-Resistant Digital Education and Training
Programme: Erasmus+ (KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness)
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2023
dr. Borut ČernePCCL
Polymer Competence Center Leoben
Programme: COMET K1 Funding Program
01.01.2021 - 21.12.2024
doc. dr. Mitja MorieGHOST
Establishing Eco-design Guidelines for Hydrogen Systems and Technologies
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
prof. dr. Franci PušavecCRYO-MQL
Transitioning to a waste-free production – international cryogenic+MQL machining activity
Programme: EIT KIC Manufacturing
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021
doc. dr. Mitja Mori BEST4Hy
SustainaBlE SoluTions FOR recycling of end of lifeHydrogen technologies
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
doc. dr. Janez BenedičičEIP-AUTO


Izboljšava procesa krmljenja živali v prireji mleka in mesa z upoštevanjem podnebnih sprememb in varovanja narave
Programme: MKGP; 16.5 Podpora za skupno ukrepanje za blažitev podnebnih sprememb ali prilagajanje nanje ter za skupne pristope k okoljskim projektom in stalnim okoljskim praksam
01.12.2020 - 30.11.2023
dr. Pavel TomšičEUROCC
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022
dr. Pavel TomšičSCtrain
Supercomputing knowledge partnership
Programme: Erasmus+ (KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education)
01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
prof. dr. Franci PušavecSI EIT-M
EIT Manufacturing Hub
Programme: EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs
01.06.2020 - 31.12.2022
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinInTribology1
Tribology Intelligence – Customized Tribology for Industrial Innovation
Programme: COMET K2 - Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
01.04.2020 - 31.03.2024
doc. dr. Nikola Vukašinović
Associate for shaping optimization of Internal Components (IPA Nomination G. Simič)
Programme: ITER
01.03.2020 - 29.02.2024
doc. dr. Samo ZupanHybriDT
Hybrid Drive Trains
Programme: European Defence Agency EDA
24.01.2020 - 23.01.2021
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinGreenTRIBOS
Programme: Horizon 2020 - MSCA
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023
doc. dr. Rok VrabičROSIN
ROS-Industrial quality-assured robot software components
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovićIMAS
Integrated Modelling Analysis Suite
Programme: ITER
01.01.2020 - 15.11.2022
prof. dr. Marko HočevarEIP


Uvedba novih mehanskih in avtonomnih avtomatiziranih tehnologij za trajnostno pridelavo grozdja
Programme: MKGP, 16.2 Podpora za pilotne projekte ter za razvoj novih proizvodov, praks, procesov in tehnologij
23.11.2019 - 22.11.2022
prof. dr. Franci Pušavec
doc. dr. Rok Vrabič
Reinforcing Access to Cross Border Employment at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions -PHEIs
Programme: Erasmus+ (Key Action 2, Capacity building in the field of higher education CBHE action)
15.11.2019 - 14.11.2022
doc. dr. Aljoša PeperkoCA18232
Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks
Programme: COST
04.10.2019 - 03.10.2023
doc. dr. Tomaž KekCA18203
Optimising Design for Inspection
Programme: COST
02.10.2019 - 01.10.2023
prof. dr. Primož PodržajMAESTRO
Manufacturing Education for a Sustainable fourth Industrial Revolution
Programme: Erasmus +
01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022
izr. prof. dr. Damjan KlobčarAPTIME
Additive Process Technology Integration with Management and Entrepreneurship
Programme: Erasmus+ (Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education funding KA203)
01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022
izr. prof. dr. Janez PovhPRACE-6IP
PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.05.2019 - 31.12.2022
doc. dr. Uroš TrdanCA18120
Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures
Programme: COST
01.05.2019 - 31.12.2022
doc. dr. Uroš Trdan
izr. prof. dr. Damjan Klobčar
Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures
Programme: COST
04.04.2019 - 03.04.2023
izr. prof. dr. Joško ValentinčičCOMPETE
Chair Of Micro Process Engineering and TEchnology
Programme: Horizon 2020 (ERA Chairs)
01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023
doc. dr. Jaka TušekSUPERCOOL
Superelastic Porous Structures for Efficient Elastocaloric Cooling
Programme: Horizon 2020 - ERC
01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023
prof. dr. Miha Boltežar
prof. dr. Tomaž Katrašnik
izr. prof. dr. Nikolaj Mole
More efficient electric motors with the development of expert systems and new technologies
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.10.2018 - 30.09.2021
dr. Borut ČerneMAPgears
Advanced materials, methodologies and technologies for the development of lightweight power transmission components for drives technology
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.09.2018 - 31.12.2021
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovičELPID
E-learning Platform for Innovative Product Development
Programme: Erasmus +
01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021
prof. dr. Primož PodržajICCT
Interactive course for Control Theory
Programme: Erasmus +
01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinTRIBOS+
Joint European Master in Tribology of Surfaces and Interfaces
Programme: Erasmus+ (Erasmus Mundus)
01.09.2018 - 31.08.2024
prof. dr. Matevž DularCABUM
An investigation of the mechanisms at the interaction between cavitation bubbles and contaminants
Programme: Horizon 2020 - ERC
01.07.2018 - 30.06.2023
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikCD Labor
CD Laboratory for Innovative Control and Monitoring of Automotive Powertrain Systems 
Programme: FFG (Austria)
01.06.2018 - 31.01.2024
dr. Simon KrašnaVIRTUAL
Open access virtual testing protocols for enhanced road users safety
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.06.2018 - 31.05.2022
prof. dr. Roman ŽavbiEXDCI-2
European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative – 2
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.03.2018 - 31.12.2020
doc. dr. Mirko HalilovičSPL-CYCLE
Closing the loop of the Spent Pot-line (SPL) in Al smelting process
Programme: EIT KIC RawMaterials
01.02.2018 - 31.03.2021
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikK2 Mobility
K2 Digital Mobility - Context-Embedded Vehicle Technologies
Programme: COMET K2 Funding Program
01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021
doc. dr. Mitja MoriCA COST Action CA16235
Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluations of Large-Scale Monitoring Data
Programme: COST
05.10.2017 - 04.10.2021
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikOBELICS
Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.10.2017 - 30.11.2020
izr. prof. dr. Uroš StritihHEART
Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.10.2017 - 31.03.2022
doc. dr. Nikola VukašinovičCASProD
Capitals of Smart Product Development
Programme: Erasmus +
01.09.2017 - 30.11.2020
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinGreenCOAT
Green high-performance and low-friction interfaces tailored by the reactivity of novel DLC coatings and ionic liquids
Programme: M-era.Net
01.08.2017 - 31.07.2020
prof. dr. Marko HočevarCTProfiler
Cooling Tower Profiler – Performance Evaluation of Cooling Towers
Programme: EIT InnoEnergy
01.04.2017 - 30.09.2019
prof. dr. Roman ŽavbiINNOHPC
High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region
Programme: ESRR (Interreg Danube)
01.01.2017 - 30.06.2019
izr. prof. dr. Janez PovhPRACE-5IP
PRACE 5th Implementation Phase Project
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.01.2017 - 30.04.2019
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikSMITER 3D
Development of a user friendly interface for the SMITER 3D field line tracing software package
Programme: ITER
22.12.2016 - 22.12.2017
prof. dr. Niko Herakovič
izr. prof. dr. Rok Petkovšek
izr. prof. dr. Matija Jezeršek
doc. dr. Rok Vrabič
prof. dr. Janez Diaci
Gradniki, orodja in sistemi za tovarne prihodnosti
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.11.2016 - 30.06.2020
doc. dr. Rok VrabičUniGov
Improving Governance Paratices at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions
Programme: Erasmus +
15.10.2016 - 14.12.2019
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikSOH4PEM
State of Health Überwachung für PEM Brennstoffzellenstapel
Programme: FFG (Austria)
01.10.2016 - 30.09.2019
prof. dr. Marko Hočevar
prof. dr. Tomaž Katrašnik
Izkoriščanje potenciala biomase za razvoj naprednih materialov in bio-osnovanih produktov
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.09.2016 - 30.09.2020
prof. dr. Marko Hočevar
prof. dr. Andrej Kitanovski
prof. dr. Edvard Govekarprof. dr. Miha Boltežar
Inteligentni dom nove generacije zasnovan na pametnih napravah in lesu
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.09.2016 - 28.02.2019
prof. dr. Miha Boltežar
prof. dr. Tomaž Katrašnik
prof. dr. Marko Nagode
prof. dr. Jernej Klemenc
prof. dr. Roman Žavbi
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin
Ekološki Varen Avtomobil za zeleno mobilnost
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.09.2016 - 28.02.2019
prof. dr. Sašo Medved
doc. dr. Miroslav Halilovič
Trajnostno in inovativno gradbeništvo za pametne zgradbe
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.09.2016 - 31.03.2019
izr. prof. dr. Damjan KlobčarMARTINA
MateRiali in Tehnologije za Nove Aplikacije
Programme: ERDF (Smart Specialization)
01.08.2016 - 31.07.2019
prof. dr. Mihael SekavčnikLIFE SUSTAINHUTS
Sustainable Mountain huts in Europe
Programme: LIFE
01.07.2016 - 31.10.2021
prof. dr. Mihael SekavčnikHYTECHCYCLING
New technologies and strategies for fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in the phase of recycling and dismantling
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.05.2016 - 30.04.2019
izr. prof. dr.  Damjan KlobčarCA COST Action CA15102;

Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions
Programme: COST
10.03.2016 - 09.03.2020
izr. prof. dr. Tomaž PepelnjakCA COST Action CA15216
European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies
Programme: COST
26.02.2016 - 20.04.2021
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikSOLPS-ITER
Development of user-friendly interface
Programme: ITER
06.07.2015 - 05.07.2017
prof. dr. Matevž DularCryoCav
Experiments and simulations on cavitation and cavitation erosion in cryogenic liquids
Programme: ESA
01.07.2015 - 30.06.2017
izr. prof. dr. Janez PovhMI-NET COST Action TD1409
Mathematics for industry network (MI-NET)
Programme: COST
05.05.2015 - 04.05.2019
izr. prof. dr.  Damjan KlobčarAction MP1407;

Electrochemical processing methodologies and corrosion protection for device and systems miniaturization 
Programme: COST
23.04.2015 - 22.04.2019
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinXTribology
XTribology Excellence Center of Tribology
Programme: COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
01.04.2015 - 31.03.2020
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikMEA Power
Resource-saving composite materials for stationary PEM fuel cells with increased power density and long-term stability 
Programme: FFG (Austria)
01.03.2015 - 28.02.2018
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikPRACE-4IP
PRACE - 4th Implementation Phase Project
Programme: Horizon 2020
01.02.2015 - 30.04.2017
doc. dr. Damjan Klobčar
izr. prof. dr. Matija Jezeršek
MPNS COST Action MP1401
Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience
Programme: COST
10.12.2014 - 09.12.2018
izr. prof. dr. Ciril ArkarTUD COST Action TU1403
Adaptive Facades Network
Programme: COST
28.10.2014 - 27.10.2018
prof dr. Sašo MedvedEduLabFrame
Educational Laboratories Platform for Complex Engineering Processes with Remote Access
Programme: Erasmus + 
01.09.2014 - 31.08.2017
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikNARIP
Networked Activities for Realization of Innovative Products
Programme: Erasmus +
01.09.2014 - 31.08.2017
prof. dr. Roman ŽavbiEUROfusion
Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon
Programme: Horizon 2020 - EURATOM
01.01.2014 - 31.12.2020
prof. dr. Sašo MedvedOIKONET
A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning
Programme: LLP, Erasmus Multilateral Networks program
01.10.2013 - 30.09.2016
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikGDFP-2020
Global development of Future Products Workshop
Programme: LLP - Erasmus IP
01.09.2013 - 31.08.2014
prof. dr. Ivan Prebil
prof. dr. Alojz Poredoš

Programme: SMER+
01.08.2013 - 15.09.2014
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinTRIBOS
Joint Master’s Programme in Tribology of Surfaces and Interfaces
Programme: Longlife Learning Programme (Erasmus Mundus)
01.08.2013 - 31.07.2019
izr. prof. dr. Andrej KitanovskiENOVHEAT
Efficient Novel Magnetocaloric Heat Pumps
Programme: Danish Council for Strategic Research
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2017
prof. dr. Niko HerakovičNT_POLYCOAT
Development of new materials, tools and technologies for depositing of thin polymer coatings on the EM stator E! 6778
Programme: EUREKA 
07.11.2012 - 01.11.2015
prof. dr. Boris ŠtokFATIGUEDV
Infinite lifetime prediction by Dang Van criterion E! 6791
Programme: EUREKA 
07.11.2012 - 09.07.2014
prof. dr. Sašo MedvedENERSE
Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Inpacts – master study
Programme: LLP - Tempus
15.10.2012 - 14.01.2016
doc. dr. Primož Podržaj/
Hydro powerplant simulation
Programme: LLP - Leonardo da Vinci
01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikASTERICS
Ageing and efficiency Simulation & TEsting under Real world conditions for Innovative electric vehicle Components and Systems
Programme: FP7
01.10.2012 - 30.09.2015
prof. dr. Sašo Medved/
Transfer of building physics and CO2 methodologies to optimize energy efficient competencies across the three sectors
Programme: LLP - Leonardo da Vinci
01.10.2012 - 30.09.2013
prof. dr. Mihael SekavčnikFluMaBack
Fluid Management component improvement for Back up fuel cell systems
Programme: FP7
01.07.2012 - 30.06.2015
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikPRACE-3IP
PRACE - Third Implementation Phase Project
Programme: FP7
01.07.2012 - 30.06.2016
izr. prof. dr. Andrej KitanovskiSDHPLUS
New Business Opportunities for Solar District Heating and Cooling 
Programme: CIP - IEE
01.07.2012 - 30.06.2015
prof. dr. Iztok Golobič
prof. dr. Edvard Govekar
Action MP1106: SGI 
Smart and green interfaces - from single bubbles and drops to industrial, environmental and biomedical applications (SGI)
Programme: COST
11.05.2012 - 10.05.2016
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinENTICE
Engineering Tribochemistry and Interfaces with a Focus on the Internal Combustion Engine 
Programme: FP7 - Marie Curie
01.02.2012 - 31.01.2016
izr. prof. dr. Tadej KoselA2-NET-TEAM
Advanced Aircraft Network for Theoretical & Experimental Aeroservoelastic Modeling 
Programme: FP7 - Marie Curie
01.01.2012 - 31.12.2014
prof. dr. Božidar ŠarlerMetallurgy Europe
Metallurgy Europe
Programme: Eureka Cluster
01.01.2012 - 21.12.2022
doc. dr. Uroš StritihENERGYVILLAB
Network di Living Labs, virtuous in energy saving and in development of renewable energy sources
Programme: ESRR
01.11.2011 - 31.05.2014
prof. dr. Boris ŠtokPOLYBAR
Polymer subconstruction for curtain walls E! 6782  
Programme: EUREKA 
19.10.2011 - 15.10.2013
prof. dr. Janez KopačME-ENG
Middle Eastern Partnership in Sustainable Engineering
Programme: LLP - Tempus
15.10.2011 - 14.10.2014
prof. dr. Miha BoltežarGRESIMO
Best Training for Green and Silent Mobility
Programme: FP7 - Marie Curie
01.10.2011 - 30.09.2015
prof. dr. Edvard GovekarTUD COST Action TU1102
Towards Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems 
Programme: COST
22.09.2011 - 21.09.2015
izr. prof. dr. Matevž DularCATHEF
Cavitation in Thermosensible Fluids
Programme: ESA
01.07.2011 - 31.10.2015
prof. dr. Vincenc ButalaiSERV
Inspection of HVAC Systems through continuous monitoring and benchmarking
Programme: CIP - IEE
07.05.2011 - 06.05.2014
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinSINACERDI
Nanostructured composite materials and reinforced ductile iron for high wear application 
Programme: MATERA ERA-NET 
01.05.2011 - 30.04.2014
prof. dr. Peter ButalaCLEANER
Cleaning Engineering for manufactoring
17.01.2011 - 16.01.2013
prof. dr. Brane Širok
prof. dr. Alojz Poredoš
prof. dr. Iztok Žun
Competence Centre — Advanced Systems for Efficient Use of Electrical Energy
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
prof. dr. Alojz Poredoš
prof. dr. Sašo Medved
Competence Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Construction
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
prof. dr. Janez DiaciKC BME
Competence Centre Biomedical Engineering
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinKC STV
Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
izr. prof. dr. Tadej KoselSAILPOWER
Development of sail system with inhibition of induced drag effect for radical improving of aerodynamic performance E! 6268
Programme: EUREKA 
01.01.2011 - 01.01.2014
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin                       E! - SURF
Surface Engineering for Sustainable Production and Products E! 5800
Programme: EUREKA
14.12.2010 - 14.12.2015
doc. dr. Primož PodržajRWC
The development of a new resistance welding controller E! 5855 
Programme: EUREKA 
01.11.2010 - 01.10.2013
izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Pepelnjak
(prof. dr. Karl Kuzman)
Innovative Eco Freindly Processing Of Volumetric Sheet Metal Components E! 5783 
Programme: EUREKA 
01.11.2010 - 01.07.2013
prof. dr. Niko HerakovičLEANEA
Production and Profitability improvement in Serbia Enterprises  by adopting Lean Thinking Philosophy and strengthening Enterprise Academia connections
Programme: LLP - Tempus
15.10.2010 - 14.10.2013
prof. dr. Mirko SokovičISIS
Improvement of Student's Internship in Serbia 
Programme: LLP - Tempus
15.10.2010 - 14.10.2013
prof. dr. Janez KopačETM
Experience Transfer Model
Programme: LLP - Leonardo da Vinci
15.10.2010 - 14.10.2012
prof. dr. Marko HočevarCROPS
Intelligent sensing and manipulation of sustainable production and harvesting of high valued crops, clever robots for crops
Programme: FP7
01.10.2010 - 30.09.2014
prof. dr. Peter ButalaPRO-FACTORY COMOS 
Collaborative platform for operations support of work systems E! 5343 
Programme: EUREKA 
24.06.2010 - 01.01.2013
prof. dr. Niko HerakovičNGMOLDING
Development of next generation molding process for multi-phrase polymer products E! 4957 
Programme: EUREKA 
24.06.2010 - 01.05.2012
prof. dr. Sašo MedvedIDES-EDU
Master and Post Graduate education and training in multidisciplinary teams implementing EPBD and beyond 
Programme: CIP - IEE
03.06.2010 - 02.06.2013
prof. dr. Brane Širok
prof. dr. Karl Kuzman
Optimized Compounds
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics for co-rotating Twin-Screw-Extruder to archieve optimized thermoplastic materials C! 51
Programme: CORNET ERA-NET 
01.06.2010 - 31.05.2012
prof. dr. Edvard GovekarMOTRAC
Modelling and prediction of traffic activity, driving conditions and critical states on roads network
Programme: ERA-NET ERASME 
04.05.2010 - 03.05.2013
prof. dr. Marko HočevarMSASN
Modular system for adjustable spraying and navigation in orchards and greenhouses E! 5403 
Programme: EUREKA 
01.03.2010 - 31.12.2012
izr. prof. dr. Peter KrajnikPUNCH GRIND
Construction of heavy duty punch grinding machine E! 4957
Programme: EUREKA 
01.03.2010 - 01.05.2012
doc. dr. Andrej LebarICEJET
Ice jet technology pilot plant, for drastically reducing waste produced by abrasive water jet cutting techniques
Programme: LIFE + 
01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012
prof dr. Mitjan KalinXTRIBOLOGY
XTribology - Excellence Centre of Tribology
Programme: Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies (Austria)
01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014
prof. dr. Jože Duhovnik
prof. dr. Matija Faj
prof. dr. Edvard Govekar    
Cross border network for innovation and technological cooperation between SME's and research as part of concrete cross-border innovative technology development projects
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2010 - 30.06.2012
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin2020 INTERFACE
Tailoring of Tribological Interfaces for Clean and Energy-Efficient Diesel and gasoline Power Trains
Programme: FP7
01.12.2009 - 31.05.2013
izr. prof. dr. Rok PetkovšekALPINE
Advanced Laser for Photovoltaic Industrial Processing Enhancement
Programme: FP7
01.09.2009 - 30.08.2012
izr. prof. dr. Matija JezeršekILUMEN
Intelligent Laser Sources in Medicine E! 4954
Programme: EUREKA 
30.06.2009 - 30.06.2012
prof. dr. Mirko ČudinaCOST project TD0804
Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes
Programme: COST
29.06.2009 - 24.06.2013
prof. dr. Mirko ČudinaTUD Action TU0901
Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions 
Programme: COST
29.06.2009 - 02.11.2013
prof. dr. Janez KopačEUROENVIRON SusCryMac
Development of sustainable & innovative cryogenic machining technology E! 4550
Programme: EUREKA
01.02.2009 - 01.01.2012
izr. prof. dr. Ciril ArkarAction TU0802: NeCoE-PCM
Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings
Programme: COST
28.01.2009 - 21.04.2013
prof. dr. Mihael SekavčnikCO NOT
The Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies
Programme: ESRR
01.01.2009 - 01.01.2013
prof. dr. Igor EmriEURHEO
European Masters in Engineering Rheology
Programme: LLP - Erasmus Mundus
15.10.2008 - 14.10.2013
prof. dr. Mitjan KalinMINILUBES
Mechanisms of interactions in nano-scale of novel ionic lubricants with functional surface
Programme: FP7 - Marie Curie
01.10.2008 - 01.10.2012
prof. dr. Tomaž KatrašnikELAN
CIVITAS ELAN Mobilising citizens for vital cities Ljubljana - Gent - Zagreb - Brno - Porto
Programme: FP7
15.09.2008 - 14.09.2012
prof. dr. Sašo MedvedREMINING LOWEX
Redevelopment of European Mining Areas into Sustainable Communities by Integrating Supply and Deman Side based on Low Extergy Principles
Programme: 6. OP - CONCERTO
18.06.2007 - 17.06.2014
prof. dr. Jožef DuhovnikFUSION
Programme: FP7 - EURATOM
01.01.2007 - 31.12.2013