By telephone number

Janko Slavič PhD.

title: Professor
work position: VISOKOŠOLSKI UČITELJ IX - 1
chair: 08 Chair of Mechanics
laboratory: Laboratory for Dynamics of Machines and Structures LADISK
room no.: DS-P3
telephone: 226
laboratory website:
Contact hours

Arranged by email.


2005-06: postdoc, University of Texas at Austin, Fulbright grant

2005: PhD, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

2005: BSc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng


2018-: Full professor of mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

2013-2018: Associate professor of mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

2008-2013: Assistant professor of mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

2006-2008: Assistant of mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

2005-2006: Postdoc researcher (Fulbright grant), University of Texas at Austin, USA

2002-2005: Assistant of mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng

Leading and other important functions

2021-: Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations

2021-: President of AB of Likar grant fund (

2019-: Slovenian Society for Mechanics, President

2015-: IFToMM TC for Vibrations

2006-21: General secretary of Likar grant fund (

Prizes and awards

2020: Nature Methods: SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python, co-author

2017: 3rd most cited article published since 2013 in the International Journal of Fatigue

2009: Hidria innovation of the year

2006: Top 25 downloaded article of the Journal of Sound and Vibration

2005: Fulbright Grant, USA

Slovenian holder of national and international projects (duration of at least 3 years)

2021-2024: Single-Process 3D Printed Dynamic Sensors (ARRS, J2-3045)

2019-2022: High-speed-camera based high-spatial-density sensing of 3D vibrations with applications in digital-twins and remote sensing (ARRS, J2-1730)

2013-2017: Smart systems and structural dynamics (ARRS, J2-6763)

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