Student's guidebook


Students studying at the University of Ljubljana (the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is a member of the University of Ljubljana) have access to comprehensive health care at the Student Medical Centre of the University of Ljubljana.

The Health Centre is aimed at graduate and postgraduate students and their professors, and offers them prevention (systematic health checks, compulsory vaccinations, health education) and curative medicine. It is recommended that students consult with the staff to determine their personal doctor in the Health Centre, who will provide them with comprehensive medical care in case of illness, injury, etc.

Systematic Health Check

All students enrolled for the first time must undergo a systematic health check at the Student Health Centre at the time of enrolment in the first year of study. The examination dates are set by the Health Centre and published on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering's website, in the Student Notices section.

Student Medical Centre of the University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva cesta 4
1000 Ljubljana

T: +386 1 200 74 25
Emergency medical treatment: +386 1 522 84 08
Emergency dental care: +386 1 472 37 18
Life-threatening emergency: 112

Insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we arrange insurance for all students enrolled in the academic year in case of accidents at work and occupational diseases at the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZPIS). This insurance is obligatory, as students carry out laboratory work and use various tools or equipment during their studies. Insurance for a student is valid if he/she has compulsory and supplementary health insurance. Such insured persons acquire the right to an invalidity pension in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease while performing a certain work or activity outside the compulsory insurance scheme, or in the event of death, the surviving family members acquire the right to a widow's or survivor's pension in the same amount as if the insured event had occurred under the compulsory insurance scheme. Further information can be found on the ZPIS website, at