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Last notification: 22. 3. 2022
New issue of Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering available nowPublicated: 28.October 2022The Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering publishes theoretical and practice oriented papers, dealing with problems of modern technology (power and process engineering, structural and machine design, production engineering mechanism and materials, etc.) It considers activities such as: design, construction, operation, environmental protection, etc. in the field of mechanical engineering and other related branches.
Ultrasonic photoacoustic source from graphene nanocomposite film on polymer substratePublicated: 25.October 2022Researchers from the Laboratory for Laser Techniques (LASTEH) in cooperation with researchers from Jožef Stefan Institute developed a graphene-Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite on a flexible substrate for the photoacoustic generation of ultrasounds. They investigated in detail the photoacoustic (PA) response of the film when irradiated with a nanosecond pulsed laser, for different graphene concentrations and thicknesses. The results of the research were published in the journal Photoacoustics (IF=9,656).
Using a high-performance high-speed camera to monitor the formation of bending tooth deflections of polymer gear teeth during operationPublicated: 25.October 2022In a new study, researchers from the Laboratory for Engineering Design (LECAD) and the Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines (LVTS) have demonstrated that, using a high-performance high-speed camera, it is possible to monitor the formation of bending tooth deflections of polymer gear teeth during operation. The results of the described research are published in the prestigious journal Materials & Design (IF=9.417).
The formation of secondary cavitation in the case of laser-induced shock waves in a liquidPublicated: 21.October 2022Researchers from the FOLAS laboratory (Laboratory for Photonics and Laser Systems) in collaboration with researchers from the LNMS laboratory (Laboratory for Numerical Modeling and Simulation in Mechanics) have published the results of a study in the journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (IF=9,336) in which, by comparing experimental results and simulations they confirmed the hypothesis about the mechanisms that cause the formation of secondary cavitation in the case of laser-induced shock waves in a liquid, for the case of curved geometry.
Characterization of cavitation under ultrasonic horn tip – Proposition of an acoustic cavitation parameterPublicated: 11.October 2022Researchers at the Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines (LVTS) have conducted an experimental study in the field of acoustic cavitation, the main objective of which was to determine a new acoustic cavitation number. The results of the study are published in the prestigious journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (IF: 9.336).
Prof. Dr. Miha Boltežar receives the Lifetime Achievement Award in Higher EducationPublicated: 06.October 2022On the World Teachers' Day, Prof. Miha Boltežar, PhD, received the Award of the Republic of Slovenia for his lifetime achievement in higher education. The award was presented by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Dr. Igor Papič, and the Chairman of the Award Committee, Dr. Boris Aberšek.
Fatigue-resistant elastocaloric regenerator with record-braking cooling and heating characteristics Publicated: 20.September 2022Within the ERC SUPERCOOL project, researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UL) presented the development and operation of a new compression-loaded elastocaloric regenerator to be used in a future cooling and heat-pumping devices. The research was published in the prestigious journal Joule (IF=46,048).
SPATIALLY SELECTIVE DILUTION IN COMBUSTION PROCESSESPublicated: 14.September 2022Researchers from Laboratory for Internal Combustion Engines (LICeM) published a paper in Journal of Environmental Management (IF=8.9) where they presented a novel concept for control of mixture reactivity in continuous combustion systems (burners, gas turbines). Innovative approach confirms the hypothesis that direct and spatially selective injection of inert and partially inert (CO2) gasses in regions with high heat release rates allows a precise control of temperature and concentration field in combustion chamber.